Ways to Celebrate Spring and coming summer days

Spring Day in South Africa is done and dusted – already celebrated on September 1. However, the official first day of spring is not on September 1, but, September 22.

The Spring Equinox occurs in the southern hemisphere, one of two times of the year when night and day are about the same length. The sun is crossing the equator (an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth), moving southward, and it is an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole. So why not celebrate spring the whole month – it can be lots of fun.


September 22 also marks the beginning of a long period of sunlight at the pole.


Spring Has Sprung; Time to Have Some Fun! How are you planning to celebrate springtime this year? Here are top ways to celebrate the first day of spring. You’ll find ideas for big kids of all ages, little kids, and families. In fact, there’s something here for everyone. It’s never too early and never too late to plan your celebration or get an early start! There are plenty of ideas on this page for fun things (educational, too) to celebrate the season for weeks to come.

  1. Listen to Music That Celebrates Spring.
  2. Balance an Egg. Is it true that it’s easy to balance an egg on end on the date of the vernal equinox? I’ll tell you our family’s experience and then I’ll give you links to some more scientific information and let you decide for yourself.
  3. Pick Spring veld flowers and use them in a Craft Project with your children,
  4. Take a Spring Walk. The equinox is the day when the sun crosses directly over Earth’s equator and day and night are equal length.
  5. Splash in a Puddle. When’s the last time you’ve jumped up and down in a puddle?
  6. Make Spring Rolls. Celebrate spring by spending some springtime in the kitchen trying this great new recipe.
  7. Draw Spring. What does spring look like? Well, it depends on where you live in the world, but some of the things I think of in the part of the world where I live, when I think of spring, are flowers and birds. So why not draw some of each to celebrate the first day of spring?
  8. Spring Cleaning Is for the Birds. We usually concentrate on spring cleaning indoors, but bird baths and bird feeders need attention, too.
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