Freedom Day is much more than just another public holiday, or the reason for the long weekend.

It is an important day to commemorate the country’s history and the dawn of democracy.
The day celebrates freedom and the first post-apartheid elections held on that day in 1994. This means that the 1994 elections were the first time everyone of voting age of over 18 from all race groups, including foreign citizens that are permanent residents in South Africa, were allowed to vote.

It was first celebrated in 1995 and has since been celebrated annually on 27 April in memory of the day that changed the nation. A day of glory and remembrance for all South Africans that marks the end of the period of colonialism and Apartheid.

In South Africa, Freedom Day is an inclusive celebration enabling South Africans from all corners of society to commemorate the pain of the past, and celebrate the victorious future of our country.

Encourage each other as fellow South Africans, to come together and work as one nation not forgetting the quest for freedom that consumed the lives of those who fought so hard for it. And celebrating a better, more unite future for ALL South Africans.

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