Abrasion resistance

Understanding abrasion resistance you first need to understand what abrasion is.

Abrasion is the process of scuffing, scratching, wearing down, marring, or rubbing away. It can be intentionally imposed in a controlled process using an abrasive. Abrasion can be an undesirable effect of exposure to normal use or exposure to the elements.


The abrasive qualities of an object can be measured by making use of a model that determines this value. The Archard equation is a simple model used to describe sliding wear and is based on the theory of asperity contact.


The resistance of materials and structures to abrasion can be measured by a variety of test methods.[1] These often use a specified abrasive or other controlled means of abrasion. Under the conditions of the test, the results can be reported or can be compared items subjected to similar tests.

Such standardized measurements can produce two quantities: abrasion rate and normalized abrasion rate (also called abrasion resistance index). The former is the amount of mass lost per 1000 cycles of abrasion. The latter is the ratio of former with the known abrasion rate for some specific reference material.[2]

One type of instrument used to get the abrasion rate and normalized abrasion rate is the abrasion scrub tester, which is made up of a mechanical arm, liquid pump, and programmable electronics. The machine draws the mechanical arm with attached brush (or sandpaper, sponge, etc.) over the surface of the material that is being tested. The operator sets a pre-programmed number of passes for a repeatable and controlled result. The liquid pump can provide detergent or other liquids to the mechanical arm during testing to simulate washing and other normal uses.[3]


So now that we know what abrasion is and that it can be measured, we also need to look into the reason why this is important. There are so many different industries and applications where abrasiveness is a negative thing and needs to be battled with an effective resistance solution.


The use of proper lubricants can help control abrasion in some instances. Some items can be covered with an abrasion-resistant material. Controlling the cause of abrasion is sometimes an option.


Taking the massive need for effective abrasion control products, we have a range of products to suit the needs of our clients. We take a look at what your need is and then help and guide you on the best suited product to solve your problem.


Check out our page on abrasion control products https://www.durocast.co.za/refractory-products/durocast-products/abrasion-resistant-products




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