Home Ground Advantage

Durocast is a South African company which has invested heavily in product development over the past 15 years.  Our products are cost effective because they are based on local raw materials and local installation procedures.


Our investment in technology has resulted in Durocast having some of the most experienced refractory technologist in South Africa who can assist with product development, installation and bringing linings satisfactorily into service.

As a free service Durocast can meet with your personnel and advise on the types of product best suited to your application.

This is particularly important now where market conditions have made cost cutting essential.  While industries have been concentrating on production, refractory technology has continued to advance.  It may be that the products you are using are no longer the best available for your process or are over specified and costly.

Our most recent trial has been a Nano-technology bonded cement kiln burner,   a high strength, easy to use, easy to dry product. 

We can evaluate your refractory practice and advice on improvements.

Give us a call.

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