It is Durocast’s policy to work closely with clients to obtain optimal solutions to their process requirements and where necessary special products will be manufactured to solve particular problems.

Refractory technology is continually advancing and products are becoming more able to withstand extreme conditions. At the same time refractory users are refining their processes and continuously increase the severity of the service environment.

Durocast is committed to keeping up with these developments. To do this it uses it’s own resources and also draws on outside test facilities where necessary. Testing is initially done in house or at external laboratories and thereafter in service environments.

Description of Durocast 1600 LC
This is a premium quality, high performance product, characterised by a reduced amount of cement and complex, hydraulic / chemical set. This is the most commonly used type of castable giving high strength good corrosion resistance.

It is a premium quality general use castable. Best results are obtained when installed and dried correctly.

All products are sold subject to our Standard Condition of Sale which is available on request as well as Safety Data Sheets on above products, and should be read prior to commencement of material.

Please contact us for any other requests. Durocast serves the Steel, Foundry, Copper, Glass, Cement and Chemical industry! We would love to supply your needs. Or visit our website https://www.durocast.co.za/refractory-products/home

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